You know we are all facing unprecedented times in our world right now, such as never before in human history. The whole world is shut down, people are hurting, people are frustrated, people are stressed out, people are fed-up, people are still asking questions.
Is this the end of the world? Well, No, not yet but it is a precursor to what is yet to come or things to come as declared in the scriptures. See Matthew 15:8-9, 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
People are asking, where is God in all this? Well, the answer is simple. He is right where we left Him to stay. On the outside of our world: So how did we get to this place of chaos
NEWS FLASH: We took God out of our Schools, our Homes, our Hospitals, our Prisons, our Social lives, our Places of work, our Banks, our Hotels, and our Judicial system. We have even transformed most church buildings and worship centres into prestigious flats, very expensive to afford, gym centres and social work shops making more money in our pockets and coffers for a comfortable living and a pleasurable lifestyle for the very few.
We excluded God from our social lives completely, but guess what? Our schools have shut down, our places of work have shut down, our banks have shut down, restaurants have shut down, our clubs, sports arenas, our most favourite activity, frivolous shopping are all shut down, our homes are in the brink of collapsing through physical abuse and domestic violence, our hospitals are over filled to capacity and can not handle the chaos.
We took God out of our governments, but guess what? Our governments are very much confused more than ever and they don’t even know what to do, how to cope or how to govern in this present crisis because a nation or a people without Christ end up in crisis.
We even excluded God from our families and our family lives. Guess what? It feels like living with strangers to each other. Why? Even at Home, it’s like we're locked down solely with someone we don’t want to be with and shut away from the people we really want to be with. Instead of us putting our faith and trust in God we rather put it in our selves but we're failing extremely badly on that decision. We put our trust in our governments but they’re also failing very woefully just as much. We put our trust in doctors but they’re still wondering where did all the medical intelligence and the research capabilities went. God bless them but they can testify and confess that they are extremely overwhelmed of the shock with this epidemic but they’re failing too. See Jere 17:5-10, Prov. 3:5-6.
So where is God? He’s right where we left Him, out of our way, out of our lives and outside our world. Oh! But what about the church? Well, we failed to reach the world and shut ourselves in the four corner walls of our churches and preached to ourselves once or twice a week and never saw or interact with our church family or the world for the rest of the week. Guess what? Now there’s no going to church GOD IS WAITING ON YOU! But wait. There is light at the end of the tunnel. God is still there, waiting to be invited back into our lives once again.
2 Chronicles 7:14… Says. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Not just at Christmas, Easter or even once a Week at Church, but we need God in our daily lives, our homes need God, our children, our schools, our hospitals, our prisons, our places of work, our social lives, our governments, our judiciary, infact our entire world need God. Psalm 24:1 Says…The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.
This is not about any religion it’s personal to You and starts with inviting God into your life and your world by putting your personal well-being in His hands, every day, in every thing you do. Glorify His name and trust solely in Him as God for your life. Let’s just admit it, we have failed ourselves big time and we need God very much more than ever, pick up that good old book today called “Bible” and read something. Maybe you could start with this: Romans 10:9-11 and continue with John 14:6.As we sail through knowing well that we're living in unprecedented times full of uncertainty and the vicissitude of life
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Then just talk to Him….He'll hear you...He’ll listen….He’s good like that really. God bless you so much for listening.
By Rev. F.K. Nyedu. CIA International Ministries (Divine Wisdom Bank).